President's Message
Annual General Meeting November 2023
At the ASACPEV Inc. Annual General Meeting on Friday 24 November we had the privilege of celebrating the significant contributions to CPE of our new Life Members Marlene Paver and David Dawes. Detailed minutes of appreciation are attached. We also celebrated David Glenister’s contributions, detailed in the attached minute of appreciation, and made him an Honorary Fellow. We made Heather Somerville a Fellow and celebrated her contributions including her role as immediate Past President, her accreditation as a Clinical Pastoral Education Consultant, and the opening of the new St Vincent’s Community CPE Centre where she will be Centre Director with a great supervisory team. A minute of appreciation for Heather is also attached.
Thank you electing me as President of our Association for the next two years. I appreciate your trust and support and look forward to collaborating with our Exec team including continuing members, new Vice-President Andrew Somerville from the Epworth Community CPE Centre, and new Ordinary Members Claire Davies (Peter Mac), Louise Ross (Northeast Vic), and David Glenister (Royal Melbourne). A big thank you to those who are continuing on Exec in the coming year and to those who have completed their terms, Anh Hoang, Shirley Nash, and Anne Wieczorek.
May this busy end-of-year time bring a sense of gratitude for a bountiful harvest grown from the seeds you have sown throughout the year.
Warm regards,
ASACPEV Inc’s Mission
ASACPEV Inc exists to educate and accredit women and men for their excellence in pastoral practice. These goals are achieved by providing supervised pastoral education, professional support and recognition of its members.
ASACPEV Statement of Purpose
- To create and maintain standards for the provision of CPE; to regulate the practices of CPE in Victoria by engaging in registration of centres and programmes and the accreditation of CPE participants and supervisors according to the Standards of the Association;
- To engage in and encourage ongoing education for the further development of CPE programmes including the partnership with the University of Divinity for the professional development of spiritual/pastoral care practitioners and supervisors;
- To engage in and encourage research for the development of CPE;
- To develop or approve reciprocal arrangements with similar bodies in Australia and overseas; and
- To encourage and promote awareness of CPE as part of professional education for spiritual/pastoral care practice.
- To promote quality accredited professional supervision beyond the CPE Centres and the conduct of CPE programmes.
- To promote accredited professional supervision to faith groups, institutions, churches, organizations and individual pastoral practitioners.
- To hold and circulate a register of accredited professional pastoral supervisors who work in private practice.
ASACPEV Inc’s Vision
ASACPEV Inc will be renowned and sought out for its outstanding ecumenical supervisory practices, promoting both established and leading edge pastoral practice whether to individuals, communities or institutions.
- Establishment and oversight of ASACPEV Inc's Standards and Code of Ethics
- Registration of Clinical Pastoral Education Centres
- Accreditation and reaccredidation of supervisors
ASACPEV Inc Committees

Executive Committee is responsible for decision making on behalf of the Association and reports to the Annual General Meeting.
Registration & Certification Committee is responsible for the processing of :
In 2003 ‘A Finger Pointing to the Moon’, a history of the Association for Supervised Pastoral Education in Australia 1967-2000 was published.
See History of ASACPEV Inc for details.
Registration & Certification Committee is responsible for the processing of :
- the registration of Centres
- appointment of Centre Directors
- recommendation to the Executive of accreditation and reaccreditation of Supervisors
- review of Standards
In 2003 ‘A Finger Pointing to the Moon’, a history of the Association for Supervised Pastoral Education in Australia 1967-2000 was published.
See History of ASACPEV Inc for details.