CPE is defined by the ASACPEV Inc Standards
The CPE program is accredited by the Association for Supervised and Clinical Pastoral Education in Victoria Inc. Successful completion of the unit can be credited as a subject toward the Bachelor of Theology degree with teaching institutions associated with the University of Divinity and other bodies. CPE participants seeking such credit should consult with the relevant teaching institution.
Placement Options
The hours of pastoral practice (Standards 1.3.3) can be undertaken in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, parishes, welfare institutions, tertiary institutions and industry.
Placement Options
The hours of pastoral practice (Standards 1.3.3) can be undertaken in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, parishes, welfare institutions, tertiary institutions and industry.
ASACPEV Inc’s Standards address requirements for Level One and Advanced Units of CPE as well as Supervisory accreditation. The Standard relevant for Level 1 of CPE can be found under Section 1 "Level One Clinical Pastoral Education". Standards can be downloaded from here.