A Recommended Reading List for CPE Participants is available here
Book Review - by Graeme D. Gibbons
The Mystery of God and the Power of Redemptive Relationships
Let me recommend The Mystery of God and the Power of Redemptive Relationships, a book of essays in memory of the late Reverend Roy Bradley who when he returned from the USA in 1967 was a major figure in ecumenical ministry relationships. While an Anglican chaplain at Mont Park Mental Hospital Bradley decided he needed further training and education and won a Fulbright Scholarship to train as a Psychiatric Hospital chaplain in a large State Mental Health Hospital In South Carolina. During his three years of training in South Carolina and Houston in the USA Bradley discerned that Australia needed this kind of Clinically Supervised Pastoral Education for clergy and went on to gain the qualification necessary to conduct Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Let me recommend The Mystery of God and the Power of Redemptive Relationships, a book of essays in memory of the late Reverend Roy Bradley who when he returned from the USA in 1967 was a major figure in ecumenical ministry relationships. While an Anglican chaplain at Mont Park Mental Hospital Bradley decided he needed further training and education and won a Fulbright Scholarship to train as a Psychiatric Hospital chaplain in a large State Mental Health Hospital In South Carolina. During his three years of training in South Carolina and Houston in the USA Bradley discerned that Australia needed this kind of Clinically Supervised Pastoral Education for clergy and went on to gain the qualification necessary to conduct Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Australian Journal of Pastoral Care and Health
After nearly twenty years of production the voluntary Editorial Committee decided it was no longer able to continue the significant task of gathering materials, editing and producing the bi-annual ‘Ministry, Society and Theology’. Some back-copies of MST are available for $5 by contacting Dorothy Morgan at [email protected] or phone contact on 93408100.
Since 2007 the new Journal has been produced biannually with online copies located at www.pastoraljournal.org.au. ASACPEV is represented on the Editorial Board by Andy Calder along with representatives of the Spiritual Health Victoria and LaTrobe University. With the recent formation of Spiritual Care Australia, the future ‘shape’ of the Journal will be under discussion during 2010 (eg frequency/costs/content/distribution/blog?)
In order to access Guidelines for Short articles, Reviews, Notices and Peer Reviewed Contributions, please go to www.pastoraljournal.org.au
Since 2007 the new Journal has been produced biannually with online copies located at www.pastoraljournal.org.au. ASACPEV is represented on the Editorial Board by Andy Calder along with representatives of the Spiritual Health Victoria and LaTrobe University. With the recent formation of Spiritual Care Australia, the future ‘shape’ of the Journal will be under discussion during 2010 (eg frequency/costs/content/distribution/blog?)
In order to access Guidelines for Short articles, Reviews, Notices and Peer Reviewed Contributions, please go to www.pastoraljournal.org.au