The History of ASACPEV INC. (Previously ASPEA Inc.)

Whilst the formation of a professional association took some time, in the mid to late 1950's many initiatives made use of the CPE action-reflection style of training. Two Melbourne based initiatives were "Training in Pastoral Care", a course led by Revds Bill Graham, Bruce Reddrop, Les Hahn and Professor Graeme Griffin, and a CPE style programme at the Royal Melbourne Hospital under the leadership of the chaplain, Bill Rae and Professor Graeme Griffin.
Archives document an attempt by senior chaplaincy personnel and medical administrators to establish a Victorian Council for Clinical Pastoral Education between 1964-67. The Minutes record : 'On 17 June 1965, the Interim Committee of the Council unanimously adopted a constitution and advised the secretary to make representations to the various church bodies in order that they may ratify it at their church assemblies (where relevant) in 1965'. The minutes were annotated: 'Did not get off the ground'!
By 1969 the Victorian Association for Supervised Pastoral Education (VASPE) was formed. The inaugural meeting took place at Newman College in November 1969, reflecting the energy and interest of the Rector of the College, Fr Gerald Daly. The first Annual Meeting of VASPE took place in December 1970 with the Revd Bruce Reddrop as the first President. This body formally brought into existence a professional association of ministers, church administrators, theological teachers and members of related professions whose purpose was 'to encourage and promote Supervised Pastoral Education as a part of professional education for ministry.'
In 1979 VASPE became the Association for Supervised Education in Australia (ASPEA). As well CPE Centres being established in Melbourne, Centres in Perth and Adelaide also began under ASPEA Standards. Professional bodies for CPE and its supervision were also being developed in New South Wales and Queensland. Subsequently Perth and Adelaide in association with the Northern Territory developed their own professional bodies.
In the intervening years many CPE Centres have been registered under ASPEA Inc Standards in Melbourne, Tasmania, Geelong and, through the pioneering work of the Revd Roy Bradley, regional CPE programmes have been offered in Ballarat, Warrnambool and Mildura. Since 1998 ASPEA Inc supervisors have responded to requests to conduct CPE Units in the Latrobe Valley, Albury and as far afield as Darwin.
Since 1974, thanks to the initiative of the Revd Dr Graeme Gibbons, there have been annual meetings of CPE supervisors from all over Australia and New Zealand. As well as providing opportunity for refreshment, collegial discussion and professional development, these annual meetings led to consideration of parity of supervisory standards between professional bodies which in turn led to the formation of an Australia-New Zealand supervisory organisation - ANZACPE.
In 2003 ASPEA published 'A Finger Pointing to the Moon: A History of the Association for Supervised Pastoral Education in Australia 1967-2000', written by Sr Joan Kenny. The book is an invaluable resource and treasure trove about the people and issues involved during that period. The book is available by contacting Gill Henderson on 94962908, or accessing
ASPEA after much discussion with the membership decided to make it clear that ASPEA should reflect it is responsible for CPE within Victoria. As a result to include Victoria in it's title. So on 9th November 2015 at a Special General Meeting it was agreed the name change to ASACPEV.
Archives document an attempt by senior chaplaincy personnel and medical administrators to establish a Victorian Council for Clinical Pastoral Education between 1964-67. The Minutes record : 'On 17 June 1965, the Interim Committee of the Council unanimously adopted a constitution and advised the secretary to make representations to the various church bodies in order that they may ratify it at their church assemblies (where relevant) in 1965'. The minutes were annotated: 'Did not get off the ground'!
By 1969 the Victorian Association for Supervised Pastoral Education (VASPE) was formed. The inaugural meeting took place at Newman College in November 1969, reflecting the energy and interest of the Rector of the College, Fr Gerald Daly. The first Annual Meeting of VASPE took place in December 1970 with the Revd Bruce Reddrop as the first President. This body formally brought into existence a professional association of ministers, church administrators, theological teachers and members of related professions whose purpose was 'to encourage and promote Supervised Pastoral Education as a part of professional education for ministry.'
In 1979 VASPE became the Association for Supervised Education in Australia (ASPEA). As well CPE Centres being established in Melbourne, Centres in Perth and Adelaide also began under ASPEA Standards. Professional bodies for CPE and its supervision were also being developed in New South Wales and Queensland. Subsequently Perth and Adelaide in association with the Northern Territory developed their own professional bodies.
In the intervening years many CPE Centres have been registered under ASPEA Inc Standards in Melbourne, Tasmania, Geelong and, through the pioneering work of the Revd Roy Bradley, regional CPE programmes have been offered in Ballarat, Warrnambool and Mildura. Since 1998 ASPEA Inc supervisors have responded to requests to conduct CPE Units in the Latrobe Valley, Albury and as far afield as Darwin.
Since 1974, thanks to the initiative of the Revd Dr Graeme Gibbons, there have been annual meetings of CPE supervisors from all over Australia and New Zealand. As well as providing opportunity for refreshment, collegial discussion and professional development, these annual meetings led to consideration of parity of supervisory standards between professional bodies which in turn led to the formation of an Australia-New Zealand supervisory organisation - ANZACPE.
In 2003 ASPEA published 'A Finger Pointing to the Moon: A History of the Association for Supervised Pastoral Education in Australia 1967-2000', written by Sr Joan Kenny. The book is an invaluable resource and treasure trove about the people and issues involved during that period. The book is available by contacting Gill Henderson on 94962908, or accessing
ASPEA after much discussion with the membership decided to make it clear that ASPEA should reflect it is responsible for CPE within Victoria. As a result to include Victoria in it's title. So on 9th November 2015 at a Special General Meeting it was agreed the name change to ASACPEV.
40th Anniversary Celebrations!!!
On February 29 2008 Austin Hospital and ASPEA Inc. completed the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Austin Hospital CPE Centre as the first CPE Centre in Australia. The first full-time quarter of CPE was conducted at the Austin Hospital in 1967 under the direction and supervision of Rev'd Roy Bradley who had recently returned to Australia after completing his supervisory training though ACPE in USA. In March 2007, the anniversary celebrations began when Rev'd Bradley gave the Address at the Extended Education Conference for Health and Welfare Chaplains at the Austin Hospital. His paper was titled, '40 years of CPE, hardly a walk in the wilderness.'
Reflecting on this paper and the changes in the CPE landscape, the convening committee chose as it theme, '40 years of CPE, is there a Promised Land'. Three ASPEA Inc. accredited supervisors, Ms. Mary Klasen, Ms. Lynne Robertson and Rev'd Andy Calder were invited to present papers on the relationship of CPE to pastoral ministry in Healthcare, Schools and the Community respectively. Each speaker was succeeded by two respondents who reflected on the presentations from their perspectives as practitioners in the particular sphere of Pastoral Care. Both papers and responses were well received and promoted valuable discussion.'
The celebrations closed with the cutting of the anniversary cake by Rev'd Bradley, Rev'd Dr. Graeme Gibbons (former Director, retired Feb. 2007) and Ms Allison Whitby (current Director) and the honouring by ASPEA Inc. of Sr. Julie O'Brien rsm, former Director of Mercy CPE Centre, for her significant contribution to CPE over many years in Victoria through ASPEA Inc. and beyond through ANZACPE.
Mary Klasen 40 Years of CPE
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Gill Henderson response to Mary Klasen
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Dan Murphy response to Mary Klasen
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Lynne R 40 years Celebration
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Response to Lynne Robertson's Paper
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Andy Calder 40th Anniversary Paper
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Evelyn Crotty Response to Andy Calder
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Reflecting on this paper and the changes in the CPE landscape, the convening committee chose as it theme, '40 years of CPE, is there a Promised Land'. Three ASPEA Inc. accredited supervisors, Ms. Mary Klasen, Ms. Lynne Robertson and Rev'd Andy Calder were invited to present papers on the relationship of CPE to pastoral ministry in Healthcare, Schools and the Community respectively. Each speaker was succeeded by two respondents who reflected on the presentations from their perspectives as practitioners in the particular sphere of Pastoral Care. Both papers and responses were well received and promoted valuable discussion.'
The celebrations closed with the cutting of the anniversary cake by Rev'd Bradley, Rev'd Dr. Graeme Gibbons (former Director, retired Feb. 2007) and Ms Allison Whitby (current Director) and the honouring by ASPEA Inc. of Sr. Julie O'Brien rsm, former Director of Mercy CPE Centre, for her significant contribution to CPE over many years in Victoria through ASPEA Inc. and beyond through ANZACPE.
Mary Klasen 40 Years of CPE
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Gill Henderson response to Mary Klasen
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Dan Murphy response to Mary Klasen
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Lynne R 40 years Celebration
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Response to Lynne Robertson's Paper
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Andy Calder 40th Anniversary Paper
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Evelyn Crotty Response to Andy Calder
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Vale Christopher NewellDownload
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Memorial Minute for John Paver
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Rev'd Roy Bradley Appreciation
Rev'd David Stark Appreciation